Tuesday, January 6, 2009

my princess...

These pictures were taken this past summer...Kayland is the daughter of a good friend of mine. She and I share a love of shopping, movies, great food, even better music, and anything related to sleeping in on Saturday mornings...we've spent many a "girl weekend" together, just hanging out and having fun...I took some of these to inspire her love of modeling! Isn't she beautiful!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rudy's senior photos...

I can remember how expensive my senior pictures were, and the fact that I felt as if they were so "fake." This past fall, a young man at my church approached me about taking his senior photos. I jumped at the idea, knowing that this would give me added experience and exposure - and provide a new option for this young man and his family...I can honestly say that his photo shoot has been one of my favorites. As you can see the pictures are all natural...no studio backdrops or extensive lighting...just a few spots around church and a vacant parking lot! What a blessing to have been chosen as the photographer for these pictures - thanks Rudy!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

my journey...

i can't recall the moment i fell in love with pictures. perhaps it was somewhere between the Polaroids that always turned out less than perfect and my first 35 mm Canon camera that went with me to Paris, France in 1992. regardless of the beginning stages, i love photography now and forever. photography is my passion, second only to traveling (they go well together i might add!).

so many people have asked me if they could see some of my work, but i've never put my photos on the web for fear of reproduction. i've displayed much of my Kenya collection in a gallery here in Charlotte, NC - but the display was short-lived...and all of those images were taken prior to my digital phase. so, the pictures posted hereafter are more recent...and just another part of my photo journey...i pray you enjoy!

Christopher and Angela Moss. . . a few pictures from their wedding on December 20, 2008!